Warning: Spoilers
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken was one of Game of Thrones’ least action-filled episodes, focussing on the web of deceit, half-truths and political intrigue surrounding the Lannister and Stark families.
Is Cersei heading for a fall?
The three main members of the Lannister family use a combination of lies and secrecy to further their own causes, with varying degrees of success.
Cersei is the most successful, at least in the short-term.
She trades barbs with Olenna Tyrell over the imprisonment of Loras.
Then the High Sparrow’s tribunal into Loras’s sexual preferences quickly turns nasty.
He uses Olyvar’s testimony to entrap and arrest both Loras and Margaery while Cersei quietly smirks and Tommen watches helplessly.