Game Of Thrones season five reached it’s halfway point last night with episode six: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken.
In case you’re wondering, that’s the House Martell motto, which isn’t as cool Winter Is Coming (Stark) Ours Is The Fury (Baratheon) or We Do Not Sow (GreyJoy) but is way better than Growing Strong (Tyrell/Hufflepuff) and Hear Me Roar (Lannister/Katy Perry).
This week we had yet another Westerosi wedding, and once again it was an unpleasant affair. Once again though, some questions remained unanswered….
What’s the story with those faces?
After serving the worst internship ever, Arya finally gets to find out what’s behind the big mysterious door of mystery, and she just had to trick a little girl into… Read the full story