As you all will be aware (unless you live under some sort of non-social media rock) Strictly Come Dancing is starting and my darling husband, Chris Ramsey, is taking part.
Finally, something to look forward to of a weekend, other than a distinct lack of lie-ins and hungover soft play visits – which believe me are not in any way shape or form enjoyable.
I say, bring It on.
‘Rosie’, I hear you all cry. ‘What about *gasp* the curse?’ I can see the horror, shock, screaming and fainting now.
Now, strap in. This may come as a genuine shock to you but it was actually me who forced my husband to say yes to the show.
Ok, I get it. I’ve watched the show. I’m aware that over the course of the last 16 series there have been a few instances of dalliances between the cast here and there.
But can I just ask you something? Honestly, have you ever worked somewhere where people are not having affairs?
What about office gossip that such and such from accounts is sleeping with such and such from HR? Unfortunately, it happens everywhere.
Someone is always sleeping with someone they shouldn’t be. Fact.
‘But Rosie…the curse?’ I hear you ask again. Yes. I know. I am fully aware of ‘The Curse’, I’m also aware that it’s been given its own special name.
How utterly delightful…
Now, I trust my husband and understand that he interacts with members of the opposite sex daily, as I do.
I cannot control him. I can only, like everyone else in a relationship, hope that our marriage never goes down that path, be it by him or myself.
Right. Now we’ve got that bit out of my system and the way, I’ve been doing a bit of research.
Strictly Come Dancing averages approximately 9.2million viewers each week. Which is insane!
I can’t even begin to imagine how Chris is going to feel each week knowing that that many people are watching him dance. Which, let me just tell you, is not something that comes naturally to him.
I mean God love him, he tries, but he’s definitely not been blessed with natural rhythm, if you know what I mean.
Thankfully though, what Chris has been blessed with is the ability to be good at things he has never done before.
He is one of those people who can watch someone do something a few times then copy with perfect form. Irritating – yes – but also extremely impressive.
He also possesses an incredible memory, which is great for when you need to find things around the house. However, not so great for the morning after a drunken row and he’s remembered every single word you’ve said.
Honestly, I’m expecting great things from Chris on the show, I can’t wait to watch from home with our little boy Robin.
I know he’ll give his all and I know he’ll not stop practicing until he’s perfected every single move.
He has asked if I’ll help him with his routines at home, as I have some previous dance experience (not much might I add).
I’ve told him under no circumstances will I help him with his routines. You see, although Chris is a great learner but he’s a terrible student.
I mean forget the curse, I’d end up divorcing him over a flipping Tango. Good luck to his dance partner, that’s what I say.
You can follow Rosie on Instagram here, and listen to her and Chris’ podcast here.