STDs, tarts and rubber (pastry). Three words you wouldn’t think would go together in the Bake Off tent, but they all made an appearance this week.
As I sit in my hotel room in Switzerland, I think to myself how much has changed since 2016. I feel very lucky for the technicals we had – minus Marjolaine. This year’s seem tough. Hats off to the bakers for seeing each challenge through and a big well done for making it this far.
It’s great to have new themes and, after last week’s dairy fest, this is our first decade and they’ve picked a cracker!
The roaring 20s conjures up Leo sipping a cocktail in The Great Gatsby, flapper dresses and extravagant jazz parties. I’m just hoping that this week is more of a success, and hopefully Paul’s in a better mood…
I’m excited for custard pies – I didn’t know they were a 1920s staple. I’m already learning! I was hoping we would see a slapstick pie thrown at someone (Paul’s) face?
I’m not quite sure how Helena’s gorgons are 1920s but then again, Henry’s whipping up Kool Aid pies. It’s week five and creativity is alive and well in the tent.
To top it off, Rosie’s brought horse vaccine needles to the tent – definitely winning most original baking accessory, ever. By this point, I’m a little disappointed the bakers aren’t in costume.
I loved David’s flirty flapper biscuits on top of his custard pies. He’s aced this challenge, kept it simple and picked his flavours wisely. Time after time, we come back to the age old lesson – focusing on the bake is just as important as the decoration.
Turns out we did see one pie being thrown, but Rosie’s was aimed at the floor instead of at Paul. To summarise in her own words: ‘I despise pastry. I despise custard’. Fair enough.
I’m no lightweight but I guarantee you, I’d be hospitalised if I was to take a tequila shot for every time Paul said ‘sabayon’.
For the technical, there were beignets! Beignet soufflés with six instructions – deliciously fried choux pastry with very little guidance.
Sometimes I wonder how the judges aren’t obese. You would have to roll me out of that tent if I was a judge.
Choux caused a few challenges, with several bakers attempting a second batch.
I feel for Michael, when you have a day and it just won’t work. But at least Noel and Sandi are always there with an encouraging/distracting word.
I’m not sure if they know how much that friendly pat on the shoulder means when you’re having a bake-off disaster, but it really helps, as the tent can suddenly feel lonely.
Mel and Sue – or M&S as I used to call them – were absolute gems! Like the current presenters, they were great at judging a situation, very comforting and provided the sense of humour that you’d want when sh*t hits the fan in the tent.
They were very supportive, chatty and gave great hugs. Always talking to us behind the scenes and during the challenges so there was never a dull moment
When it came down to the taste test, there were a few surprises, with Michael coming in eighth and David – who was doing pretty well until that point – ended up coming in last.
Let’s face it, unfortunately at times in the tent, it’s a bit like being confronted by a bear – you don’t need to outrun the bear, only the person next to you. Brutal but true.
Very pleased for Helena finally conquering a technical and Michael taking the win where he can get it. Making sure you have something, anything, to show the judges is better than nothing and sometimes that’s enough of a victory in itself.
David meanwhile, is having a roller-coaster of a week, getting a handshake on the signature bake and then nose diving in the technical, while Priya skirts around the edge of elimination.
For the third challenge, we’ve got prohibition bakes with a cocktail flavour – I bet Prue came up with this one!
Helena successfully produced a blood red, vampire themed cake – I’d expect nothing less at this point. I was a bit concerned Alice, Michelle and Steph’s cakes were going to taste like a Malibu pineapple with all of that coconut rum… but apparently both Paul and Prue are fans (I’m quietly judging them both.)
Priya’s also giving them a run for their money with a mocktail prohibition-friendly pina colada version. I didn’t realise tinned pineapple was such a 1920s store cupboard staple.
Overall, the showstopper only highlighted the divide between the bakers likely to see another week and those who may be packing up their work stations.
Middle class phrase of the week goes to the as stylish as ever Henry: ‘This is the strongest coffee I could find in the world – well, in Waitrose.’
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