It’s been 25 years since the premiere of Friends. Even now, it’s constantly on TV in America where it averages 16million viewers a week, making it the ninth most watched show on television.
Apparently Netflix paid US $100million to stream the series this year alone – and I have to say, I have got their money’s worth from re-watching it.
If I can’t sleep or I just need some company at home, I’ll pop on an episode or five. Just recently, Robert De Niro sued his assistant for not doing her job and among his grievances is the fact that she allegedly watched 55 episodes in four days, during work hours. The show is nothing if not extremely watchable.
However, this stupidly successful sitcom was not exactly truthful about what friendship, life, love, work and adulthood are really like, was it?
I’ve known people who blame the TV show Friends for giving them unrealistic expectations of becoming an adult. Now, because it does seem like we may never stop talking about this show, let’s go through all the lies Friends told us about friendship.
You’ll belong to a perfect, cohesive group of six friends who all get on
If you took your cues on what adult friendship was going to look like from Friends, you might be angry or disappointed that you didn’t get your allotted group of five perfect friends.
In real life, friendship groups are usually so much messier than that. They’re made up of friends from all the different corners of your life – work, school, university, childhood and beyond.
They only really ever hang out when you force them to celebrate your birthday together, or on your wedding day, if you choose to get married. They do not necessarily all like one another and they certainly don’t obsessively hang out in the same combination of six people, to the exclusion of just about everyone else in New York city.
Your friends will always be there for you
It’s right there in the opening theme song: a promise that your friends will always be there to love and support you.
Now, I do think it’s possible to have near-perfect friends who stick by you through a lifetime, no matter what happens. That kind of friendship does exist. But also, people you thought were close friends will ghost you, let you down, lie to you, offend you and forget you.
Adult friendship can be brutal and hurtful, as well as delightful and loving. It’s so much more more complicated and difficult than a sitcom can be expected to portray.
You can neatly resolve a conflict in 22 minutes
Most times when someone fought in Friends, they’d neatly resolve it within the episode. Of course, this is because we only spent half an hour at a time with these characters and we crave resolution for the people we watch on our tellies, so the writers usually scripted in a satisfying conclusion for any conflict that arose.
This can also give you this incorrect idea that when friends can fight and say (hilariously) appalling things to one another, they find a way to make up efficiently.
Human emotions don’t really work themselves out so neatly, nor so quickly. When you fight with your friends (or sleep with their sister, or agree to your new British wife’s ban on seeing your ex-girlfriend, or ask your kooky musician friend to stop singing outside your upmarket restaurant, or kiss the love of your best friend’s life), things take a little longer to work themselves out.
Hopefully not many people set their expectations for conflict resolution between human beings on a sitcom, but still, it was misleading.
You will always be able to schedule spontaneous catch ups, including when you have children
The friends in Friends hang out all the time. Whether they’re curled up on that big orange sofa or eating food from Monica’s fridge, they spend basically all their free time together.
They often run into each other and agree to just hang out on the spot – something that continues to happen once Ross becomes a father to Ben and he and Rachel have Emma.
In reality, we know that modern adult friendship is really just endless rescheduling. You have to get dates in the diary weeks, if not months, in advance.
The idea of dropping round unannounced to someone’s place is archaic – charming, but utterly impossible. It becomes even more complicated once people start procreating.
If Friends were set now and it was at all true to life, they’d spend most of their time interacting via WhatsApp, just trying to find one date they can all get together.
And just at the last minute someone would have to stay late at work, or the babysitter would cancel, or they’d need to stay home watching reruns of Friends because they’re overtired and overwhelmed by the responsibilities of being an adult.
Real people have breakfast with their friends before work
Logistically, this one is mad – and arguably the biggest lie of all. Various members of the main friendship group are seen consuming breakfast foods with one another on weekdays mornings, wearing work attire, which implies they hang out together before 9am.
I have not done this one time in my adult life and I do not believe I know anyone who has, either. It’s an especially offensive fantasy for women, who have to wash and dry their hair sometimes before work as well as put on makeup and choose what clothes to put on their body.
Plus, think about the commute. Getting ready for work and getting into the office takes precious morning time, which you could be using to sleep through your alarm.
There are no real human beings hanging out before they go into work. It looked quite nice, though, having cereal together in Monica’s apartment.
Among all these lies, Friends did have some genuinely moving moments of friendship. We spent a decade probably feeling, just a little bit, like we were friends with these people, too.
The truth is that real-life friendship, in all its messy, unscripted glory, is actually better than what happens on telly. That ain’t no lie.