The Circle is back on our tellys and I’m here to declare something major: It’s actually the best reality show around right now.
That’s right lads, it’s even better than Love Island.
There was a time when reality competitions ruled the roost, and viewers were charmed by the relatable personalities of the ‘normal’ folk involved in all their quirky glory.
None more so than Big Brother, before it lost its way. As time went on, and the stakes were upped beyond the point of repair, it stopped being normal and started to become full of scandal with meltdowns and mental health issues as cabin fever began to set in on the show’s stars.
Nowadays, we’re presented with over-produced ‘reality’ that we’re all meant to swallow as true when everyone knows it’s not really. The amount of unfortunate run-ins the cast of Towie have with their ex would be enough to make anyone simply move house. The streets of London have never been smaller than on Made In Chelsea, where the one person you don’t want to see just happens to be brunching at the Bluebird, perfectly lit with a camera… and honestly who has that many masquerade parties?!
But then came along The Circle, and it’s a brilliant and wonderful reminder that people are their best when they’re left to their own devices.
The Circle works in two parts – the first, allowing someone to be themselves and wander aimlessly around their specially created flat as they see fit. Then there’s the second part, the persona they put on for others.
As a result, I’m crying with laughter on a near regular basis, with twists as brilliant as Richard Madeley pretending to be a 27 year old woman called Judy, and viewers privy to information that even the own players don’t have – each other’s real identity.
We’re in on the game, and it’s a real powerful place to be.
Only communicating through a social profile created by each player the way they see fit, it’s a pure lesson in just how easy it is to deceive others on the internet – which in and of itself, is a lesson. Currently a single mum called Katie is pretending to be her grown up son Jay, while Liverpudlian Jay is tugging at the heartstrings of the other players by pretending to be single mum, Sammie. Oh, how the other half live.
Then we get to sit back and watch as we wait for the catfish to be discovered, if they are at all.
The Circle’s brilliant because it reveals authentic selves through fake personas – they’re by themselves and therefore have no one to impress, and the game-playing is put front and centre as they try and win each other over.
There’s no sugar-coating the real intention here – The Circle is quite literally a game of popularity, with those being voted the most popular earning rights and privileges the others don’t. This isn’t unlike Love Island, only on Love Island you have to convince the public at home and your fellow islanders that you’re a good person that’s actually in love.
But Love Island has a major flaw that try as it might, it will just not get around easily – the inclusivity.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I love me some pieing, Flack Attacks and mugging offs and much as the next person. I spent more time than I’m proud of this summer cheering on Maura as she clapped back at Tom, wanting to hug Amy as Curtis broke her heart, but there are strings being pulled behind the scenes and conversations being encouraged that wouldn’t have normally, and for some reason we just have to pretend as a collective we don’t know that.
The Circle is inclusive in a way that Love Island can never be – sexuality representation, body positivity, disabilities or age just aren’t built into the world Love Island has created for itself.
Within the space of a week on Channel 4, we’ve seen all those things, repeatedly, in different ways.
Georgina spoke proudly, honestly and hilariously about her battle with Crohn’s disease that resulted in her getting an ileostomy. She showed off photos of herself in a bikini with a bag on her stomach and a beaming smile on her face. She bragged she could sit through the whole of Titanic without needing to go to the loo because of it. It was part of her.
It’s something that hasn’t gone unnoticed by viewers with stoma bags, who rarely, if ever, see their illness represented on TV like this.
Meanwhile, 18 year old Woody has opened up about being bisexual and 58 year old Tim has spoken about living with his male other half for the past 19 years, admitting his flamboyant demeanour and dress often meant he could bypass the ‘I’m Gay’ chat IRL.
A week in and the viewing public voted to bring in new girl Ella, a happy and bubbly plus-sized girl, and over muscled gym buddy Kevin ‘who looked a bit like Aston Merrygold from JLS’.
It certainly makes for a more colourful and delightful world than the stars that make up the Love Island cast, who have literally been called out for looking exactly the same in every country’s version of the addictive format. A literal one size fits all.
Or their attempt at bringing in a ‘curvy’ girl in Anna, who comes in at a gut-punching size 10 (which, newsflash, is not representation.)
Love Island have defended their casting choice, saying that the cast are ‘meant to be attracted to each other’ and I guess in a small way they have a point. I don’t want to spend the summer watching an actual plus-sized girl/guy having their confidence knocked over and over as they fall for someone only to be ignored for the one with the abs.
Or even worse, the potential fat-shaming as the offenders skirt around the issue and say there’s ‘no sexual chemistry’ or ‘just not being attracted to them’.
Fluidity in sexuality is also out, because unless everyone was bisexual it just wouldn’t work with the format of the show. Katie Salmon and Sophie Gradon threw a serious spanner in the works in series two when they coupled up, and it was incredible. It also sadly, wasn’t sustainable as the men vs women dynamic was changed.
Have someone trans on the show? No, because then it runs the risk of turning into the early 2000s reality TV horror story of There’s Something About Miriam if they choose not to disclose. Trans people deserve so much more than being represented by a load of gossip and whispers around the villa.
Love Island deserves to be the smash hit it is, but it becomes a victim of its own success when more and more people want in on the show, not for love, but for that sweet, sweet clothing deal that awaits them at the end of it.
This year alone, Amber has signed a £1million deal with Miss Pap, Ovie is now an ASOS man, and Molly-Mae is a face of Pretty Little Thing. In fact, the entire show has become an advert for the highest online clothing store bidder, with this year’s islanders supplied with ISawItFirst costumes and clothing that can be purchased via the app.
Over on The Circle, you get theology professor Tim wearing the brightest waistcoats and shirts you ever did see, and dressing up like he’s attending Henley Regata just so he can go for a walk and read a book on a treadmill.
He’s purity in human form and his involvement in the show alone makes it worth a watch.
Reality TV is going nowhere, whether you like it or not. It’s just nice to actually see some reality for a change – even if it is through the eyes of a catfish.
The Circle airs weeknights at 10pm on Channel 4.
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